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iTrader - Order Processing Systems
Customer Enquiry, Photo Offer /Quotation, SC, PI, P/O, Invoice, Packing List, Debit Note, Credit Note, Shipping, CRM, etc.
iManufactory - Manufacturing Systems
Order Processing System, Manufacturing Order, Job Order, BOM, MRP, CRP, Production Plan, Inventory Control, Production Payroll, etc.
iFinance - Financial Systems
Customer Leger, Supplier Leger, General Leger, Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, T/B, Cashflow, etc.
iAnalyzer - Analysis System for CEO
Sales Analysis, Purchase Analysis, Shipment Analysis, Cash Flow Analysis, Forecast Analysis, Stock level analysis, Business Analysis, etc.
iGlobalPortal - Global Portal Systems
The web portal for Vendor, Buyer, QC company and Marketing Company.
Auto E-Mail Alert - Order / Shipment Reminder
To automatically remind factory for shipment, customer for payment, warehouse for reorder level, etc.
EDI Link - Link with global buyers
Link with your global buyers/vendors such as Target, Wal-Mart, Wool worths, JC Penny, Best Buy, etc.
EAI Link - Link with business partners
Link with SAP system and the systems for Carrefour, BCBG group or your business partners, etc.
Human Resources Management (HRM)
To provide employee management and the related payroll management.
Project Development Management (PDM)
To Handle Internal and client projects, Centralize internal communication, Upload and share files, etc.
iShop - For retail and distributors
POS system for salesperson to enquire the price, stock, daily sales, etc.
CRM - Business Activities Monitoring
For any business activity, which are related to customers namely, marketing, sales, customer service and field support, etc.

iManufactory – Production System

iManufactory production system includes Product/Material/Inventory Control and Production Control which L & Leung Leatherware will operate the production module mainly.

Inventory Control

iTrader Inventory System includes General Stock, GRN, Reservation, D/N, Consignment, Goods Transfer and Goods Return ( to supplier or from customer ).

It can provide the maintenance of the stock quantity for raw materials, assemblies, finished goods, and non-stock items. It can keep track of all products, components or materials across one or a number of warehouses. To enquire on a specific product, users can enter bin number and lot number.

Full integration with iTrader P/O module allows the viewing of pending quantity of P/O and outstanding of P/I while making GRN and D/N respectively. The linkage between P/O and GRN, P/I and D/N are maintained at all times, allowing all related documents can be viewed from both modules.

Sufficient reports will be provided for checking the movement of stock by item level or warehouse level. The system also provides online enquiry function to allow users to enquire on the transaction of the stock, including the materials damaged, reserved, transfer, incoming and outgoing quantity.

To provide above functions, the system consists of the following module.

General Stock

It allows users to enquire on the general stock information maintained in the system. It can show the full stock list, the inventory status for a specific product and the goods already finish.

Supplier Delivery Note/Good Receive Note

It allows users to process the supplier delivery note and group receive note so as to update the stock information in the system.

Delivery Note to Customer

It allows users to enter the information of stocks delivered to customer and the system will automatically subtract the corresponding quantity from available stock.
Moreover, it allows users to enter the re-order from customers

Daily Activity

This function is used to let users to check the daily transaction activity for a specific product.

To facilitate inventory control, different reports will be produced:
  • Stock List

The product ID, product description, quantity in stock, selling price and buying price will be shown in the report.

  • Daily Transaction Report

The product ID, quantity in/out, buying price/selling price, salesperson will be shown in the report.

  • Re-order Advice

The product ID, re-order level quantity, quantity in stock and last ordered date will be shown in the advice.

  • Inventory Status Report

The product ID, product description, stock status (Quantity in Stock), re-order level, selling price and buying price will be shown in the report.

  • Finished Goods Report

The finished good ID, finished date, quantity and cost will be shown in the report.

  • Slow Moving Status Report

This report shows the movement of production products. The information will show the movement of products, which include the material ID, last movement date and last movement quantity.

  • Part No. Cross Reference Table

This report shows the specific item number that is referenced by different products.

  • Material Issue Note

This report shows the material being sent out to production line. It will include the information for material ID, description, quantity and returned date.

  • Materials Return From Line

This report shows the material returned from production line. It will include the information for material ID, description, quantity and issue date.

  • Production Control

The iTrader Production System includes Product Record, Material Record, BOM module, MRP, Gen.P/O of material from J/O, Production (material out), link with P/O (Order Processing) and GRN (Inventory). That is designed for the traders and manufacturers who sell goods in assortments or ratios, or who create products from various components.
This function helps users to analyze all sources of product demand so as to achieve effective planning and management of materials. Moreover, it can help users to calculate the raw material required and provide a material requisition planning report for different production schedule.
Different reports will be produce to facilitate users' control on the production:

  • Master Schedule

This report includes the whole schedule for the products. It includes the products completion date, ship date, etc.

  • Production Schedule

This report shows the whole production schedule for a specific product.

  • Resource/Capacity Analysis

This report helps users to analyze the resource and capacity available so as to produce an effective production schedule.

  • Kit Order

This report produces for users to take the materials needed from warehouse. It will show the material ID, material description, quantity needed and the corresponding order reference.

  • Job/Work Order

This report is used to show the schedule of the job order. It will specify what needs to be done on what date.

  • Shop Floor Control

This report is produced to facilitate users to keep track on the progress of the production. Once a sub-department finishes the job, the corresponding item will be marked as completed.

  • Consumption Sheet

This report is used to show the percentage of materials being wasted during producing a specific product.

  • Technical Details for a product

This report will show the product information such as picture, size measurement, etc. It will be passed to QC group for checking.

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